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Proceedings Papers
SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition
September 3–6, 2013
Aberdeen, UK
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SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition
Insulation Monitoring Device for Subsea Industrial Applications
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Online Transient Simulation to Support Production Operations Planning in a Wet Crude Oil Gathering System
Ramon Mollinedo; Luis Fernando Lopez; Abigail Martinez; Mandar Kulkarni; Juan Lazcano; Francisco Villanueva; Pedro Vivas; Sergio Palacio
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Case History: Clay Free Invert Fluid in Norwegian High-Temperature Well Provides Consistent Low ECD Profile
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Anti-Vibration Sub Allows High Signal-To-Noise Ratio and Improved Borehole Quality
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Putting Pressure on Subsea Pipeline and Umbilical Blockages
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
An Innovative Wireless H2S Sensor Based on Nanotechnology to Improve Safety in Oil & Gas Facilities
Marco Piantanida; Maurizio Veneziani; Roberto Fresca Fantoni; William Mickelson; Oren Milgrome; Allen Sussman; Qin Zhou; Ian Ackerman; Alex Zettl
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Development and Field Trial of a Non-Aqueous-Based Mud Lubricant
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
The Use of Multi Rotor Remotely Opearated Aerial Vehicles (Roavs) as a Method of Close Visual Inspection (CVI) of Live and Difficult to Access Assets on Offshore Platforms
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Improving Hydraulic Fracture Geometry Characterization: Integrating Advanced Acoustic Measurement and Geomechanics with Hydraulic Fracturing Field Data
Marie Van Steene; Magdalena Povstyanova; Mahmoud Semary; Anil Mathur; Aziza Ali; Jeff Edelman; Karim Maghrabia
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Jack-Up Drilling on Conventional Subsea Wellheads
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Offshore Horizontal Well Fracturing: Operational Optimisation in the Southern North Sea
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Secondary Intervention for Blowout Preventers
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Minimising Underwater Noise Impact from Offshore Activities
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Low Cycle Fatigue Analysis of Threaded Connectors for Subsea Drilling and Production
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Umbilical Communications Condition Monitoring
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Subsea Cable Applications in Offshore Oilfield Facilities
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Managing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Issues in the Challenging Environment of the Alaskan North Slope
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
From Schiehallion to QUAD 204 FPSO, Turret Mooring System Experience and Enhancements
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Bundle Technology for the Future
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Deep Sea Installation with Fibre Rope Technology – a New Concept in Winches for the Best Performance and Durability of Rope
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Novel Survey Method Using a Rotary Steerable System Significantly Improves the Dynamic Inclination and Azimuth Measurement
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Umbilical Lay in Challenging Environmental Conditions
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Drillers’ Situation Awareness
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Integration and Assurance of Well Documents and Data – Essential Preparation for Tomorrow
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Positioning Challenges of the Arctic Subsea
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Subsurface Interpretation and Pre-Messinian Deposits Prospectivity of the Algerian Offshore Basin
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Hull Inspection Techniques & Strategies
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Compact Processing Solutions : Inline Gas-Liquid Separator on the Santos Wortel Field
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Understanding of Fire Induced Progressive Collapse of Offshore Structures as a Tool for Reducing the PFP Requirements
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Shearwater - Securing the Chalk - Effects of Depletion of a HPHT Reservoir on Chalk Overburden
P. F. van Bergen; S. De Gennaro; F. Fairhurst; R. Hurry; M. Concho; J. Watson; L. Sturgess; M. Bevaart
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Next Step in Offshore Heavy Oil - Mariner Reservoir Development
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Subsea Water Treatment and Injection Station
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Corrib Low Temperature Start-up
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Reservoir Management: Preparing for Field Redevelopment and Restart
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Pull or No-pull: Risk-based Decision Support for Subsea Blowout Preventers (BOPs)
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Approximations of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Recovery Factor in Viscous and Heavy Oil Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Abnormal Situation Management and its Relevance to Process Safety for Offshore Operations
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
The Return to the North Sea: Looking To Unlock Further Value
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Development of Spilled Oil and Gas Tracking and Monitoring Autonomous Buoy System and its Application to Marine Disaster Prevention
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Post-fire Structural Integrity of Composite Gratings for Offshore Platforms
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Structural Response Monitoring Of Huntington HP Drilling And Completion Riser
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Following The Safe Evacuation of All Offshore Personnel…the Environmental Response Takes Primacy: Learning From The Elgin G4 Well Major Incident
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Critical Buckling Load Assessment Of Drill Strings In Different Wellbores Using The Explicit Finite Element Method
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
An Organisation-Wide Investigation Into The Human Factors-Related Causes Of Hydrocarbon Releases On Offshore Platforms
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
NUGGETS Gas Field - Pushing the Operational Barriers
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
BP North Sea Miscible Gas Injection Projects Review
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Barrel Chasing Through Well Interventions - Can We Get Better At This?
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Integrated Marine and Integrity Monitoring of FPSOs in Hostile Environments - The Importance of Observed Data
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
10 Years Experience of North Sea FPSO Moorings Repair, Renewal and Life Extension Work
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Role of Artificial Lift in Wells With a Downhole, Flow Control Completion
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Seismic Full Waveform Inversion improves Valhall Reservoir Management
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
VRR < 1 Is Optimal for Heavy Oil Waterfloods
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Estimated Fluid Contact Using Material Balance Technique and Volumetric Calculation Improves Reservoir Management Plan
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Ninian Southern Platform Jacket Repair Readiness Strategy: Development of a Modular Hyperbaric Habitat System
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
A Guide to Better Wells: Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment Of Historical, Current And Future Best Practice in Drilling
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
New Real-Time Casing Running Advisory System Reduces NPT
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Improving the Economics of Marginal Fields through Technology Transfer from the Defence and Renewables Industries
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Real Time 24/7 Integrity Monitoring of Mooring Lines, Risers and Umbilicals on an FPSO using 360 degree Multibeam Sonar Technology
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Providing Additional Offshore Resources Using "Walk to Work" at the Captain Field
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Cement Sheath Integrity in Fast Creeping Salts: Effect of Well Operations
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Fulmar - Increased Production From A Mature Reservoir
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Achieving Hull Structural Hotwork Repairs On Board an Operational FPSO
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Wave Glider - Introduction to Innovative Autonomous Remotely Piloted Ocean Data Collection Platform
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Managing Mature Gas Fields in the Netherlands - Future Outlook
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Real Time Velocity and Pore Pressure Model Calibration in Exploration Drilling
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
The Mid-Atlantic Current Hindcast
M. J. Bell; C. K. O’Neill; J. Waters; M. J. Martin; A. Sellar; A. T. Cox; S. A. Spall; R. V. Stephens
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Installation of a Pre-Assembled Unit on an FPSO & Replacement of a Platform Crane
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Methods for Community Mapping Using Integrated Biological and Side-Scan Sonar Data
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
The Benefits and Challenges of Maintaining Offshore Structures within Lift-Installed Parameters
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
The Successful Implementation of a Competency Program in a Large Global Organization: A Case Study
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
An Assessment of the Impact of Water Injection System Uptime on Well and Reservoir Management on two Northsea FPSOs
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Total Risk Approach
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Unlocking Small Gas Field Development In The Southern North Sea With The Application Of Modern Seismic Imaging Technologies
Mathieu Darnet; Peter Van Loevezijn; Frans Hollman; Rob Wervelman; Matthias Bruehl; Juan Pi Alperin; Richard Shipp
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Qualification of InLine DeWatering Technology
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Integrated Play-Based Exploration Methodology for Screening and Prospect Assessment Using 3D Seismic Data from Makassar Strait, Indonesia
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Using Technology as a Lever to Reduce Seismic and Environmental Interference
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Relative Permeability Characterization for Water-Alternating-Gas (WAG) Injection in Oil Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
E-Case - Managing Expectations
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Use of Sonar Metering to Optimize Production in Liquid Loading Prone Gas Wells
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Successful Approach to Push ERD Limit, Optimize Production, and Optimize Reserve Recovery of an Extended Reach Oil Field
Xiaoping Zou; Yingshi Huang; Youliang Zeng; Xiuying Li; Guoda Yu; Thanh Tran; Palindungan Monris Halomoan; Amarjit Singh Bisain; Jeanmi Denichou
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Tight Hole Spotting in 3D Virtual Drilling Simulator
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Case History: First Intelligent Well with Feed-Through Zonal Isolation in a Multilateral Sidetrack Completion in the Troll Field
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
Flow-Induced Vibrations of Subsea Piping: A Screening Approach Based on Numerical Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK, September 2013. doi:
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