The new water-soluble polymer designed for improving of drilling muds used in oil-well borings, is constituted by two comonomers from which the one is a sulfonic group containing electrolyte, the other is afforded by a non dissociating water-soluble compound.
The polymer designed as CAA-5 diminishes effectively the filtration even if the concentration used is very low, not exceeding 0,25%-w/w. As a consequence that polymer renders it possible to prepare mud containing a small number of components in presence of as little as 2%-wgt of bentonite. The system proves to be stable towards 10% wgt of monovalent salts. The additional of biopolymer XCD improves the stability against bivalent salts. After heating of the mud up to 70°C (158°F) over 16 hours the fluid was increased not significantly.
By the use of CAA-5 it was possible to prepare a drilling mud MMH (Mixed Metal Hydroxide) distinguished by good rheological and filtrational parameters. At low concentration the CAA-5 polymer is an effective flocculant in muds containing a large number of components, being highly mineralized.
The CAA-5 polymer can also be applied as an auxiliary agent in slurries used in geotechnical entertainments (drainage rows, screens etc.). Such an suspensions undergoes a degradation caused by calcium hypochlorite.
In the paper are presented results on applying of CAA-5 polymer to drilling fluids.