The paper demonstrates both converging and controversial laboratory results in potential application of silicone compounds (silanes, siloxanes and silicone oils and resins) to be used for restriction of water production in gas wells. The research program was extended to determination of surface and colloid chemical, rheological, hydrodynamic and retention properties of silicone-containing fluids in natural and synthetic porous media. Special attention was paid to the effect of different silicones on absolute, effective, relative and normalized relative permeability, and capillary and normalized capillary pressure curves. The complex survey has clearly shown that some silicone compounds, particularly in low permeable, tough porous media, drastically change the capillary forces, the spontaneous imbibition rate, and hence they offer a special option for delay of water break-through in gas/water systems. The comparison of different silicones provided sufficient information for development of a new technology which has been tested under field condition for restriction of water production in a tough, low permeable gas field (Algyő field, Hungary).