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Proceedings Papers
SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance
February 19–20, 1976
Los Angeles, California
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A Sampling of Variational Methods
Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, California, February 1976. doi:
A Two-Phase Coning Model Using Alternating Direction Galerkin Procedure
Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, California, February 1976. doi:
Simulation of Two-Phase Flow by Finite Element Methods
Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, California, February 1976. doi:
Application of SSOR to Three-Dimensional Reservoir Problems
Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, California, February 1976. doi:
Orthomin, an Iterative Method for Solving Sparse Sets of Simultaneous Linear Equations
Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, California, February 1976. doi:
Semi-Direct Iterative Methods in Numerical Reservoir Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, California, February 1976. doi:
A Comparative Evaluation of Different Versions Of the Strongly Implicit Procedure (SIP)
Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, California, February 1976. doi:
Numerical Solution of Slightly Compressible Single Phase Transient Flow Problems by Spline Functions
Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, California, February 1976. doi:
Direct Finite Difference Simulation of A Gas Well with a Finite Capacity Vertical Fracture
Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, California, February 1976. doi:
A Strongly-Coupled, Implicit Well Coning Model
Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, California, February 1976. doi:
A Steam-Soak Well Model for an Isothermal Reservoir Simulator
Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, California, February 1976. doi:
A New Approach to Parameter Estimation in Well Testing
Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, California, February 1976. doi:
An Analysis of Finite-Difference and Finite-Element Techniques for Geothermal Reservoir Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, California, February 1976. doi:
Numerical Simulation of Mass and Energy Transfer in the Longwall Process of Underground Gasification of Coal
Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, California, February 1976. doi:
Numerical Simulation of Temperature Profiles and Oil Production During Dry or Wet In -Situ Combustion for an Inverted 5-Spot Pattern
Paper presented at the SPE Symposium on Numerical Simulation of Reservoir Performance, Los Angeles, California, February 1976. doi:
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