El-Morgan Field was discovered in 1965 and is located offshore in the Gulf of Suez (GoS) approximately 160 miles south of Suez, Egypt. Peak Production was approximately 300,000 BOPD within only three years. El- Morgan is considered one of the giant fields since its STOOIP is estimated to be approximately 2.689 billion BO with an ultimate recoverable reserve around 1.439 billion BO. Over its history, more than 250 wells were drilled. Currently, 179 wells are operating (125 producers & 54 Injectors).

El-Morgan is considered highly sophisticated field due to reservoir heterogeneity (Kareem reservoir), moderate stratification, limited aquifer support, high bubble-point pressure, low-permeability layers and its friable sand. Due to the high bubble-point pressure and high initial-rate (Pi=2,990psi & PB=2,269psi), the bubble-point pressure was encountered early in the field resulted in using peripheral injection to support reservoir pressure. In addition the reservoir heterogeneity while injecting peripherally, it is believed that significant oil reserves were being bypassed and were potentially unrecoverable.

This paper presents an integrated approach to optimize the development for a complex field from both subsurface and operations views. It also shows studies conducted to maximize the asset value, explains how the development strategy have been revised over time, to augment oil ended by using an EOR method nowadays (BrightWaterTM). All of these studies are coupled to the economical calculations.

Managing giant fields with a significant potential is very important since each incremental 1% in RF will increase the ultimate recovery by tens of millions oil barrels. Also through this paper you will assure importance of certain reservoir evaluation tools and how you can optimize them to increase ultimate recovery factor. Paper is an excellent example for reservoir management that resulted in more than 52% primary RF.

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