Two field case histories to illustrate the techniques in simulation of gas condensate fields for field development and reservoir management are presented with emphasis on how to speed up the study work without reducing the accuracy of the results. One field case has been chosen as a "green field" development case, and the other as "mature" gas condensate redevelopment. Both fields were near critical reservoirs and an integrated approach was followed in developing the static and dynamic models.
For the green field case, the model was used to suggest new well locations and forecast production. For the mature field case, the model was used to optimize the performance of the field, increase recovery factor, and accelerate production. Several techniques were employed to facilitate the history matching and prediction runs. These techniques included the use of Modified Black Oil (MBO) approach, breaking down the model into smaller sectors to take advantage of isolated fault blocks and geological layers, a systematic procedure for history matching, and the involvement of field operation guidelines in designing the prediction runs. These techniques resulted in significant time savings in the study and allowed the study team to dedicate most of their time and effort to field development optimization. The model was changed to compositional model to investigate the effect of gas cycling and compare it to other alternative development plans. A detailed economical model was also built and coupled with prediction runs to select the most economical development plan.