The produced Bouguer gravity map shows prominent NW-SE and N-NW trends.

Total horizontal derivative gravity map of the study area shows strong horizontal gradient anomalies that are located in eastern and central parts of the area. The central part of the basin can be divided into four zones the eastern zone shows many short anomalies of NW-SE orientation; the southern zone shows N-S orientation; the northern zone shows NW-SE orientation trends; in the western zone strong NW-SE trends cut with NE-SW changing to E-W trends. Isostatic residual map is characterized by a dominant northwest – southeast trend in the study area. This is clearly evident in the isostatic residual. The main trending anomalies are in the northern and southeastern parts of the study area with NW-SE orientation. A strong NW-SE trend is truncated by E-W trending in the southeastern and southwestern parts of the area. This is consistent with change of tectonic zones.

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