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Keywords: crude oil emulsion
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, July 31–August 2, 2017
Paper Number: SPE-189081-MS
.... In many other instances, the separator fluid loading may exceed the original design capacity of the vessel resulting in poor oil and water effluent standards. This paper develops a procedure that describes the impact of crude oil emulsion on the efficiency of horizontal separators. The procedure can...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, August 4–6, 2015
Paper Number: SPE-178381-MS
... in breaking crude oil emulsion. Wells 2L and 4L were used for the analysis. Crude samples were obtained at the upstream of chemical injection points to ensure the samples were true representatives of the crude from the wells in the field. Chemical demulsifiers (DM1, DM3, DM4, and DM5) were formulated...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, August 5–7, 2013
Paper Number: SPE-167528-MS
... the result was observed and recorded. 100ml of crude oil emulsion was filled into six bottles. The amount of demulsifier was gradually increased from 0.2ml to 0.4ml, 0.6ml, 0.8ml, and 1.0ml the emulsion samples were heated to a temperature of 40°C which was the lease temperature and allowed to settle...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, August 6–8, 2012
Paper Number: SPE-162989-MS
... demulsifiers (local and foreign) on their demulsification of four crude oil emulsions of different asphaltene contents from different oil wells in the Niger Delta. The chemical families of these demulsifiers were screened with effective separation ability of different surfactants using classical "Bottle test...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, August 6–8, 2012
Paper Number: SPE-162969-MS
... hlb igepal co-720 chemical treatment spe 162969 emulsion separation time fluid compatibility water separation tween 40 concentra separation time production chemistry upstream oil & gas concentration crude oil emulsion demulsifier evaluation separation tween 20 oil emulsion...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, August 3–5, 2009
Paper Number: SPE-128352-MS
... is that of a heavy crude oil emulsion collected from a major operator's flowstation in the eastern Niger delta area of Nigeria. oilfield chemistry rock/fluid interaction emulsion crude oil emulsion Production Chemistry Upstream Oil & Gas spe 128352 demulsifier fluid compatibility gasoline heater...

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