Production sustainability from oil and gas wells could be an uphill task when there is a need to constantly monitor Subsurface safety valves for optimal functionality. It's always a standard practice that surface safety valves are tested on specific periods safe enough to ensure well's safety is not compromised. Surface controlled subsurface safety valves are also tested with same objective.

Many Production Engineers are ignorant of the fact that the subsurface safety valve affect well productivity through drop in hydrostatic pressure across valve for Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valve (SCSSV) and the Sub-Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valves (SSCSV) additionally causes drop in fluid flow across valves in the process of sensing fluid velocity across valve.

In this Paper, A case by case analysis was performed on the various sub-surface safety valves for producing wells with the view of minimizing friction to flow of well fluids which affects performance which in turn minimizes production restriction. Efficiency of different type of subsurface safety valves where evaluated and compared and business cases where made on the most attractive option.

Periodic testing or inspection of valves was analyzed, and best routine testing time proffered with reasons to wells performance. The advantages and disadvantage of different valve options were also discussed to recommend a workable valve option for Uninterrupted well flow. Flow assurance and flow stability considerations were also made to ensure no unwanted valve closure occurs.

A Stable and uninterrupted production was realized for five wells using this analytical method and the total productivity increase was about 1,200 BOPD for the five wells. Addressed wax blockage valve/sticky flapper problems to enable the SCSSV four wells function. The SSCSV of the last well caused flow assurance challenges which was addressed by surface choke bean optimization.

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