With increasing number of deep water discoveries, the key issue is to develop new completion design philosophies and technologies that will lead to new levels of efficiency and reliability in completion design, safety, and environmental aspects. Deepwater fields are often associated with high pressures as well as additional down-hole problems such as shallow-water or gas flows, sand production, heavy oil, hydrates, paraffin-rich oil, and asphaltene deposition during drilling, completion and production. This provides new challenges for producing hydrocarbon from reservoirs located below such water depths. Intelligent completions, although complex and costly, are serving as an effective way of reducing many of the risks associated with reservoir uncertainties and their use justified in deep water and subsea environments. In this work, we incorporated intelligent well completion using a generated proactive algorithm in the design of a lower (multiple zones) completion for a liquid rich deepwater gas well discovered in a field 1800m of water and 250km from the shore. The field reservoir is susceptible to sand production, hydrate and scale formations - with a series of stacked channels with average porosity of 28 pu, and average permeability of 900 mD with each channel sequence approximately 10 – 15m thick. Key aspects of the design considered include cased hole gravel packing to curb sand production; an injection mandrel for the injection of methanol and scale inhibitors and the use of interval control valves (ICVs) and permanent down hole gauges. The proactive algorithm proposed in this study aid in the effective control of the ICVs in order to achieve controlled flow and also in monitoring down hole pressure and temperature.

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