This paper describes a novel technology at the final development stage using laser optical sensor technology for pipeline inspection. Laser profiling systems have previously been developed for surface applications, but they have not been available for practical subsea use. SLD has worked on several subsea laser profiling technologies and demonstrated the potential of the Laser Smart Pig (LSP1) not only on surface applications but also on underwater applications. This is an offset of the known Magnetic Flux Leakage Inline Inspection tool (MFL-ILI), where the smart pig is used to inspect the pipeline with sensors and records the data for later analysis.

This technology is built on the skills and vast years of experience of the research team in SLD who are developing new formats of Subsea laser dimensional information and imaging systems. The technology uses two lasers and a camera to collect enough data in order to produce a 3D reconstruction of the inside of the pipeline within 1mm resolution. It detects corrosion, erosion and any geometric deformation with a very good accuracy inside the pipeline. This tool can be deployed in pipelines on land, and underwater. With the growing number of pipelines underwater in Nigeria and on surface, accurate dimensional information and images of pipelines which the LSP1 provides, is essential for the early detection of faults which could lead to a shortening of the life of the pipeline.

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