Reservoir flow zones reflects group of rocks that have similar geologic, physical properties and depositional environment that affect fluid flow. Variations in rock properties result from depositional, diagenetic and post-depositional changes. Aside from a geologic approach, statistical analyses are required to verify the existence of these flow zones.

A statistical zonation technique developed by Testerman1  to identify and describe naturally occurring zones in a reservoir and to correlate these zones from well to well was used here. The flow performance is a strong function of the average permeability, and therefore of the statistical flow unit definition method used.

Five reservoir flow zones were established based on the geologic litho-stratigraphic correlation using gamma ray and resistivity logs. This is against the two flow zones estimated from statistical correlation. Where this happens, the simulator may lump together several geologic layers. Lumping involve adding layers that have similar physical properties. The number of zones depends on the computing limitation and any other constraints of the simulator. Reconciling these two differences provides a better input into numerical flow simulation.

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