Manage Pressure Drilling is not a new technology, but the transition from land operation to floaters is still recent. This created a situation where drilling contractors and operators are still learning what the true capabilities of the technology are.

MPD technology adoption on floaters can be divide it in 3 different phases:

  1. Use for Early Kick Detection and wellbore stability improvement;

  2. Introduction of Hydrostatically Underbalanced fluid;

  3. Influx circulation through the MPD system;

In the first phase most of the procedures and barrier concepts stay untouched.

After eliminating initial skepticism, second phase commences. Hydrostatic pressure exerted by the fluid is inferior to the formation pressure. Primary barrier concept alters. The technology can be applied to drill wells with narrow operational windows, unviable conventionally.

Finally, third phase starts with very limited volumes being allowed to be circulated through the MPD system. After first successful influx circulations through the MPD system, increased volumes may be encouraged to be circulated through the primary barrier.

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