In this paper, we present a procedure for high pressure resin impregnation of microporous rock. This procedure produces the high- quality pore casts that reveal the fine details of the complex pore space of micritic carbonates. We carefully test our resin impregnation procedure and demonstrate that it renders the high resolution, 3D confocal images of pore casts. In our work, we use silicon micromodels as a reference to validate the key parameters of high-pressure resin impregnation. We demonstrate possible artifacts and defects that might develop during rock impregnation with resin, e.g., the resin shrinkage and gas trapping. The main outcome of this paper is a robust protocol for obtaining the high-quality epoxy pore casts suitable for rock imaging with Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM). We have implemented this protocol and provided the high resolution, three-dimensional (3D) imagery and description of microporosity in micritic carbonates.

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