In early 2012, Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) initiated the planning which was followed by the implementation of the first of its kind in Kuwait, the Real Time Drilling Decision Center (RTDDC) project as a multidisciplinary collaboration solution to enhance the drilling operations efficiency and minimize the drilling non-productive time (NPT). The project consists of two ergonomically-designed collaboration centers equipped with state-of-the-art visualization technology coupled with a highly-available remote data gathering infrastructure. The real-time data is to be remotely aggregated from the initial base line of selected rig sites into a centralized office-based data repository, which will then act as the primary source of data for the optimization workflows to be carried out in both centers.
The RTDDC project is currently fully operational. In order to achieve its intended value, four main pillars have been implemented:
Since the real-time data is one of the elements of the solution backbone, a reliable highly available, high-quality remote data aggregation, transmission, and storage system is being implemented to ensure seamless data flow from the rig site to the office data repository.
A set of optimization workflows is defined where such data would be interpreted through intelligent computation solutions to help perform timely decisions that will aid in reducing NPT, identifying invisible lost time, and optimizing existing drilling practices.
An enabling collaboration environment, comprising two centers (one for development drilling and the other for deep drilling) containing advanced hardware/software technology, has been implemented to host the multidisciplinary drilling teams' personnel and to help improve the overall decision-making process.
Finally, a change management process is to be designed to facilitate the adoption of the real-time culture within the organization, and to infuse the optimization workflows in the day-to-day work processes.
This paper will showcase the design and implementation of the above four pillars in KOC and how they will significantly contribute towards drilling operations excellence. The paper will focus on the infrastructure being implemented both in the rig site and in the corporate office. Furthermore, it will illustrate the basic monitoring and optimization workflows to be carried out in the RTDDC. And finally, it will discuss a vision for the change-management plan and its associated new work processes, applications, and facilities.