Safety risk reduction to a level ALARP and environmental impact reduction using BAT/BEP are usually carried out as separate assessments. Integrated HSE ALARP assessment combines these into one overall framework. This paper outlines the principles of Integrated HSE ALARP assessment and presents examples of its use.
Integrated HSE ALARP assessment is in particular useful when conflicts between HSE risk reduction and environmental reduction exist; e.g. when means to reduce safety risks cause increased environmental and/or health impact.
In a traditional safety risk ALARP assessment, the safety risk reduction is weighted against the required costs defined as money, effort, and time for achieving the reduction. In the Integrated HSE ALARP assessment, the risk or impact reduction is also weighted towards possible increase in other HSE risks or impact.
HAZIDs are used to identify HSE hazards and risks, whereas ENVIDs are used to identify environmental aspects and impacts. Likewise, the HSE risk reduction to ALARP process and the environmental BAT/BEP assessment process are carried out in parallel. Analysing the HSE risks and environmental impacts in the same processes allows for a balanced assessment of the reduction potential of HSE risks and impacts.
The results of Integrated HSE ALARP assessments are useful in the company decision process. In particular, they are useful when justifying the chosen design concepts towards authorities, NGOs and other stakeholders. Increased HSE risks or environmental impacts may in some cases be acceptable if they are necessary for achieving other HSE risks or environmental impacts to be reduced.