The increase in business activities during last decade brought forward several challenges in upstream hydrocarbon industry like KOC which has 40 operational facilities, 65 rigs and around 600 Contractors’ worksites. However 5 fatalities within a quarter during 2009–10 was a serious concern that demanded immediate gap analysis focusing most relevant regulatory, procedural & contractual HSE issues compared to actual situation at site. Based on gaps, a unique tool of HSE demonstration & site verification was devised and implemented conceptualizing HSE traffic lights.
Accordingly Site Verification Visits (SVV) process with 5 crucial elements & 25 sub-elements which directly impact worksites’ safety & integrity was developed on concept of green, yellow & red traffic lights corresponding to As Required, Need Improvement & Unacceptable Condition at site. The process is supported and explained through specific procedure, online reporting system, verification checklists, brochures, posters and audio-visual film. The system is decentralised at each directorate level for efficient management but progress is monitored at corporate level for effectiveness and improvement scope.
The SVV conducted across facilities & contractors worksites by KOC senior and middle management resulted in significant HSE improvement during 2010–11 comparing the past performance. Taking into account the positive impact, the SVV process has been extended with appropriate modification and support to KOC supervisory levels & Contractors’ Managers responsible for the safety & integrity of their worksites.
SVV process is a unique and innovative tool of verifying HSE commitment & demonstration of regulatory, procedural and contractual requirement through HSE oriented critical factors which indicates actual situation at site based on traffic lights concept of green (go), yellow (alert) and red (stop) as relevant action. The paper shall demonstrate a typical but realistic solution for worksite safety & integrity through a comprehensive verification system.