The role and influence of leadership and its commitment have come into sharp focus in the industry worldwide and in particular oil and gas industry recognizes that leadership is a key consideration in the creation of an incident free workplace. The sustained drive and commitment of the management is identified as the most critical aspect of creating and maintaining strong Health Safety Environment (HSE) culture. Kuwait Oil Company (KOC), one of the premier Oil &Gas companies in the Gulf region, gives top most commitment to HSE and considers HSE as one of the key strategic objectives of its business strategy and number one priority in its endeavor towards sustainable development. KOC recognized the importance of leadership towards HSE in not only just delivering the best decisions, but involves commitment to the implementation and practicing. KOC strongly believes that Leadership and Commitment act as fundamentals to HSE performance, and to business success. This paper focuses on the enhanced HSE performance after visible Leadership and Commitment in West Kuwait (WK) Asset. In the past, attempts to improve safety were seen as short term ‘actions; something to do because ‘we have to’, often resulting in them being treated as a distraction from the ‘real’ work priority issues. This paper presents that how the leadership and its commitment created the work environment necessary for people to develop the confidence and competence to practice and adherance to safety. This paper also focuses on the process and methodology of the implementation of various initiatives taken by the Management which enabled West Kuwait to achieve a substantial lowering of HSE risks, reduction of disabling injuries and frequency rates, Motor Vehicle Accidents and frequency rates, and employee HSE behavior, enhanced Integrity Management, enhanced Contractor's HSE performance and many more indirect positive results.

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