Despite the capital intensive nature of drilling operations, drilling analysis is not routinely practiced as it should be. This is understandable since drilling engineers are principally rewarded for well planning and well construction. Therefore, the need to encourage best practices and continuous learning is a key to drilling improvement. Otherwise, the history will repeat itself "If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got".

In that purpose, the asset management tools and techniques introduced in this study can be effectively deployed in the analysis of drilling performance, they help to detect new opportunities, quantify and address removable lost time and analyse the major problems in a structured manner.

The aim of this study is to provide drilling team with a significant process to improve drilling performance, and set up a benchmarking process that becomes "a necessity for survival" as soon as the organization realizes there is someone else doing the same thing but better

This paper illustrates a case study of Hassi Messaoud field, it follows these steps:

  • What is the current performance in terms of time and cost?

  • How do we benchmark with pacesetter in the area?

  • How much this performance could be improved?

  • What is the Road map of managing drilling performance in order to get improved?

The paper ends up with a structured methodology presented in a simple process flow incorporating some of the asset management tools and techniques with the results. It represents the drilling performance management system that can promote drilling efficiency and ensures a continuous learning through systematic analysis of historical data, and thereby, challenge well planning and construction.

Some enablers of the system are listed at the end. Then, conclusion and recommendations for further studies based on the system limitations are finally proposed.

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