Worldwide the costs associated with the exploration and production of oil have increased at a nearly exponential rate. This sharp rise in daily costs has also led to a new urgency from operators to find more reliable and efficient ways of doing business.

Shock and vibration (S&V) are the leading cause of failure for measurements-while-drilling (MWD) and rotary steerable systems (RSS) today. These failures have a major impact on operators and service companies, costing millions of dollars in repairs and hours of rig time.

A wide variety of service companies now offer lateral, axial, and transverse shock measurements, as well as downhole revolution per minute (RPM) readings to better understand downhole dynamics. These measurements in the best of cases offer a reactive method of drilling, and at the worst provide no help in solving the problem or preventing damages to the bottom hole assembly (BHA).

For shock and vibration measurements to be effective, operators and service companies need to work together to create a comprehensive process to include each phase of drilling: planning, execution, and evaluation. A shock and vibration standard combined with increased client awareness and education have allowed a new level of success to be set at the rig site. Now, shock and vibration issues at the rig can be flagged in real-time and monitored remotely from an operations support center (OSC). This communication structure, coupled with pre-job planning and modeling and the capture of post run lessons learned, can be used to offer solutions when problems arise; thus preventing damage to the BHA, reducing rig non productive time (NPT), and improving the rate of penetration (ROP).

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