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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, March 20–22, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212405-MS
... artificial intelligence asia government shale oil energy economics unconventional resource economics oil shale shale gas fracture depletion real time system fsa ibrahim acoustic sensing paper live measuring petroleum engineer operation state-of-the-art methodology fracture surface area...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, March 20–22, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212402-MS
... between phases and use Hagedorn and Brown (11) methodology to find "Discharge Coefficient". artificial intelligence production control argentina government reservoir surveillance choke production logging correlation workflow conservation equation equation difference dataset brown...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, March 20–22, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212411-MS
... & medicine machine learning interference communication hydraulic fracturing reservoir geomechanics chemical tracer organic complex reservoir artificial intelligence knowledge management correlation cocina complexity fdi conclusion case study interaction shale gas reservoir characterization...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, March 20–22, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212393-MS
... learnt for each stage of implementation. argentina government unconventional resource economics upstream oil & gas artificial intelligence energy economics rig information fusion sensor knowledge management operation drilling operation drilling data acquisition real time system...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, March 20–22, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212572-MS
... resistivity well logging fzi facies correlation upstream oil & gas europe government reservoir porosity pore information flow zone indicator tester asia government artificial intelligence permeability malcolm rider lithology t2lm sandstone texture unconventional reservoir...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, March 20–22, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212394-MS
..., and early stopping, among others. During the optimization of critical hyperparameters, grid search with Bayesian statistics is used together with K-fold validation. asia government artificial intelligence upstream oil & gas china government neural network accuracy machine learning matrix...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, August 14–16, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-191834-MS
... Artificial Intelligence complex reservoir information technique Modeling & Simulation production forecast workflow fracture Directional Drilling numerical simulator optimization surveillance Tornado Chart selection portfolio analysis tool completion design permeability value driver perf...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, August 14–16, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-191863-MS
... methane economic metric optimization grid workflow coalbed methane unconventional reservoir subsurface realisation directional drilling wellbore forecast complex reservoir realisation artificial intelligence trajectory society of petroleum engineers sector model development option coal...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, August 14–16, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-191813-MS
... Artificial Intelligence critical property shift reservoir pressure pore size simulation case complex reservoir pore size Fluid Dynamics capillary pressure response fluid property reservoir Introduction Shale gas reservoirs contain large volumes of hydrocarbons that will supplement the world...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, August 14–16, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-191836-MS
... Artificial Intelligence Drillstem Testing drillstem/well testing variation Vaca Muerta production impairment parent well hydraulic fracture geometry child well unconventional resource technology conference asset and portfolio management complex reservoir lateral completion reduction fracture...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, August 14–16, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-191841-MS
... Testing equivalent permeability evaluation reduction reservoir hydraulic fracturing completion efficiency evaluation Vaca Muerta Schlumberger SRV Artificial Intelligence drillstem/well testing confinement Argentina fracture society of petroleum engineers efficiency objective permeability...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, August 14–16, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-191856-MS
... of the fracture network (geometries, coverage), efficiency of the multi-stage fracturing job and recommendation for future works. information fusion hydraulic fracturing Reservoir Characterization Upstream Oil & Gas Artificial Intelligence orientation taraise fm conclusion hydraulic fracture...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, August 14–16, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-191837-MS
... fluid recovery water sample Artificial Intelligence fracturing fluid concentration recovery Recovery result normalized concentration water tracer result wellbore tracer oil tracer operator tracer result production profile tuscaloosa marine shale eagle ford Introduction Like...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, August 14–16, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-191875-MS
... reservoirs sand production problems. wellbore integrity Reservoir Characterization Artificial Intelligence hydraulic fracturing Upstream Oil & Gas experiment peak strength Wellbore Design natural fracture natural fractured sandstone mechanical property Fracture angle strength...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, August 14–16, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-191838-MS
... production estimates and economic evaluation of projects. production control production monitoring drilling operation Directional Drilling rate unit slope break effective time horizontal well lateral length effective day production data black oil Reservoir Characterization Artificial...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, August 14–16, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-191814-MS
... & Simulation Reservoir Characterization reservoir zone prediction coefficient porosity pressure anomaly pore pressure model effective stress Artificial Intelligence seismic inversion overpressure mechanism seismic velocity Punta Rosada loading effective stress-velocity transform inversion...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, August 14–16, 2018
Paper Number: SPE-191862-MS
... & scheduling artificial intelligence competency set stretch goal promote employee excess capacity employee competency stretch goal personnel competence simulation modeling Introduction As operators aggressively expand their operations for completing oil and gas wells in unconventional...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, June 1–3, 2016
Paper Number: SPE-180984-MS
.... The proposed technique requires users to do less data conditioning and model building and focus more on analyzing what-if scenarios and determining the well performance. Upstream Oil & Gas training data Artificial Intelligence Head Pressure actual production production forecasting Scenario...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, June 1–3, 2016
Paper Number: SPE-180974-MS
... History conductivity hydraulic fracture reservoir Modeling & Simulation oil eur history match parameter analytical model fracture permeability Artificial Intelligence Upstream Oil & Gas reference solution workflow history-matched model numerical simulation workflow rta workflow...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resources Symposium, June 1–3, 2016
Paper Number: SPE-180975-MS
... real time system spectral gamma ray Artificial Intelligence Reservoir Characterization Upstream Oil & Gas gamma ray information formation evaluation correlation operation well logging uranium content optimized completion design evaluation completion design reservoir unconventional...

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