The Camisea Pipeline Transportation System (PTS) crosses along three regions clearly differentiated in its 730 Km: forest, mountains and coast. Each of them has particular high social sensitivity and biolgocial diversity.
During pipeline operation and maintenance, different wastes are generated which must be disposed of in authorized sanitary or security landfills. There are not many and are remotely located from the generation points.
Waste management from remote generation points to authorized places involve a challenge from the logistic viewpoint, time, social and environmental responsibility, mainly due to the fact that operations in the forest are carried out under offshore conditions: carrying by air personnel, materials and wastes, thus complying with the access control plan of highly sensitivie social and environmental sectors of native communities, thus achiving compliance with the highest international standards related to the project.
Management of wastes at different work sites of the Right of Way starts with proper seggregation at the source. They are classified, labelled and registered, and then, they are transported to one of the 5 central storages strategically located along the three working sectors. Several air and/or land transportation means are used to move over 900 tons of hazardous and non hazardous wastes generated in the project.
An important factor implemented in waste management is compacting, which allowed for a reduction of over 30% of wastes transported, resulting in savings for the company.
Reception and conditioning in central storages follow safety and occupational health guidelines that allow to guarantee risk minimization and prevention.
Another strategy implemented as part of waste minimization is the implementation of fertilizing latrines, used in remote áreas to take advantage of waste water in organic matter environmentally usable.
Initiatives were implemented for reusing almost all organic wastes by transforming compost, reducing by 90% said waste, together with community development projects by using compost as raw material in agricultura in the areas of influence of the company.