This paper reports on the benefits of applying Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) over the traditional Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) approach to improve the operation reliability of plant of produced water treatment. Reservoir rocks normally contain both petroleum hydrocarbons and water. This water is frequently referred to as “connate water” or “formation water” and becomes produced water when the reservoir is produced and the fluids are brought to the surface

Produced water is the largest volume waste stream in the oil and gas exploration and production processes. Fluid produced in the Colombian Rubiales and Quifa oil field is composed by approximately 95% of water and 5% of oil. Separation of water from production fluid and its treatment and disposal are critical for the continuous of oil production.

Applying Fuzzy logic as automatic control approach for the facilities that separates the water and treats it has represented a 10% increase in the amount of water treated using the same installed infrastructure. This improvement represents savings in CAPEX of US $ 5.76 per barrel of water that is treated with the previously installed infrastructure. OPEX savings are significant and are related to operating costs that are avoided because (1) by not having to build additional plants to treat water that is processed with the current infrastructure no costs associated with its operation (2) due to the better functioning of treatment plants chemical consumption is reduced and (3) the automation improvement allows much better use of staff assigned to the facilities.

The benefits in operation of the plants associated with fuzzy logic control were achieved (1) on having maintained producing(operating) in more continuous form the water treatment plants, (2) Decreasing the shutdown of the facilities by reducing the variability of the process variables, and (3) by increasing the level of automation of the plants and the reliability in operation.

Application of intelligent control approach is a novelty in the industry of oil fields. The main control approach applied has been Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) approach.

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