The objective of this paper is to show and demonstrate how technology and especially software application in the field of heavy oil can change our view regarding the method of development and economical feasibility of the pilots. Different real challenges regarding heavy oil exploitation and production have been addressed and the solution has been provided with best in class technology and software in the market at the time of these studies.
The first case is about injected steam conformance in a horizontal well and in a loose fluvial sand reservoir. The lack of conformance has been modeled and after that simulated using proper reservoir modeling and simulation applications. The second case which has been studied is evaluating and feasibility study of implementing of in situ combustion in thin sands which previous attempts of developing them with cyclic steam stimulation was not successful because of high energy loss to the over and under Burdon layers. The third case is to show how efficient production scenarios can be sensitized and selected with application of a reservoir simulator to surface coupler platform technology in a continuous steam injection project. The idea of applying this technology is to bring different domain knowledge and understanding in a common platform in order to optimize energy value.
In this study a wide variety of cases like different reservoir rocks and fluids will be reviewed and due to large amount of materials available the focus will be to a basic explanation of the situation, method of implementation of the technology or solution and ultimately final results that were concluded at the time of study. The idea is to show how different method of development can be considered for field development of heavy oil reservoirs and also how simulation and pilot studies can save a considerable amount of money in these projects.