A great diversity of treatments are attempted every day to restore wells inflow performance relationship, (IPR). For the specific case of Sandstones, chemical type treatments, including Matrix Acidizing, aromatic solvent flushes, emulsifiers and others are pumped under radial flow into the formation to try to dissolve near wellbore damage. However, due to the combined nature and depth into the formation of the damaging mechanisms, chemical type treatments are not always successful.

As an alternative solution, hydraulic fracturing treatments have been performed in numerous Sandstone formations to by-pass damage around the wellbore, even if the formation's permeability is relatively high.

This paper discusses the case of a Sandstone Formation where Hydraulic Fracturing treatments have positively responded to increase the well's productivity index.

Several fracturing treatments performed in this Field over five years, have shown that a change in the design of the fracturing treatments, starting by conventional large volume treatments and ending with very small size jobs with induced screen-out, have lead to better results with respect to productivity index increase and cost savings.

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