PULL & PUSH is a method of alternative extraction that focus on shallow wells located at short distances according to the other wells.

This alternative of artificial lift consists of a steel cable that is attached to the rocker of the support well, it passes through a sheave located at the top of a chassis built over an assisted well, this steel cable holds the clamp that is tied to the rod. As there is a movement of the rocker of the well the mechanical energy is transmitted to the rod of the well assisted by the cable and that is how you obtain the production of both wells.

This new mechanism of production enabled to replace the system of Local Tool (LT) which the assisted well used to worked and it achieved to keep the production of the two wells with the use of one unit of mechanical pump.

It is important that the weight of the rods located in the assisted well won't be greater than the rupture strength of the steel cable and in that way that doesn't exceed the overweight of the rocker to not exercise and overload in the gearbox.

To be able to produce the two wells with only one unit it will reduce the operational costs since the system of original extraction of the assisted well LT exceeds 33% of the cost of extraction of sucker rod pump (SR), getting in that way an efficient mechanism of production.

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