In Ecuador, back in 2006-2007, the Operator of Blocks 14 and 17 concluded a large exploration project with the construction of Batata 2 well pad and the drilling of two exploratory wells pursuing the confirmation and development of oil reserves identified during the seismic work started in 2003 by EnCanEcuador (Subsidiary of EnCana), in the north area of Block 14. All this development occurred within the Yasuni National Park, one of the natural areas with the highest biodiversity in South America and also traditional land of peoples living in voluntary isolation (Tagaeri and Taromenani).

The Company developed and implemented implementation a sound environmental and social project management that included a sensitive stakeholders engagement and involving plan, the implementation of a permanate HSE team on site focused on audit operations on a daily basis, a community monitoring program, an strong constractor selection process, and a set of best construction and drilling parctoces.

This paper summarizes some of the most important elements of project planning and execution of Batata 2 well pad. Now, years after its execution, we can do a retrospective analysis to identify some of those practices, to highlight them and to present them to our colleagues in the industry. Now the Life Cycle Management is a well know environmental management tool, and the Batata 2 project is a suceesful study case of a properly managed project that represents the commitment from the oil industry to develop and execute projects under the highest social and environmental standards.

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