Naturally fractured reservoirs (NFR) are generally subdivided into segments that behave as separate flow units due to the flow barriers (areal and vertical) generated by multiple fractures networks present in the reservoir.

This implies a challenge to predict the dynamic behavior of a reservoir when the degree of compartmentalization and blocks that form the reservoir is unknown. Generally, reservoir compartments are identified by geological events and not based on the dynamics.

This work proposes a methodology that attempts to describe and identify the compartments of a NFR through a dynamic analysis including:

  • Production behavior (water, water-salinity, oil and GOR)

  • THP and BHP behavior (HPHT real time data)

  • Orientation and intensity of fractures

  • Analysis of the compositional variation of the fluid (vertical and areal)

  • Multi-tank model analysis (Material Balance) to identify faults transmissibility using in the simulation model

The proposed methodology was successfully applied to a NFR in the South of Mexico that presents problems in the History Matching process in its numerical simulation model.

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