Drilling Operations in Peruvian Jungle requires a complex logistical preparation similar to an offshore project. This high logistic cost that is necessary to drill in this area means a big investment and strongly impacts the daily drilling cost. To minimize potential non productive time (NPT), potential problems that were identified in offset wells (borehole instability, gumbo shales, stuck pipe, etc.), and to improve the drilling performance, Perenco Peru Limited decided to use Directional Casing while Drilling (DCwD) technology in their Block 67 campaign wells. Two wells (Piraña-4D and Dorado-2D) were drilled with this technology obtaining success and achieving the operator's targets.
The objectives for the Casing Drilling operations on the Block 67 wells were:
Prove feasibility of both vertical and directional casing drilling technologies
Save time upon the whole section by simultaneously Drilling and casing-off problematic formations
Demonstrate efficiency of the technology to reduce risks associated with conventional drilling that could easily result in losing the well and further unplanned sidetracks
Prove adaptability of the technology to different well conditions (mainly variance on well trajectory)
Evaluate the economical viability of the technique (cost & time savings)
This paper describes these experiences in terms of planning, preparation, execution and evaluation of results including the lessons learnt generated during the process.