The Mahogany field in Trinidad and Tobago was developed as a dedicated gas field with reserves of 2.6 TCF to supply gas to the Atlantic LNG Plant in 1999. The reserves are deposited in a number of stacked sands, all of which must be optimally produced in order to achieve a successful depletion of the field. To date over 1 TCF has already been produced through a rigorous depletion management system and a renewed effort has been made to ensure that the remaining reserves are not at risk as the field enters the mature stage of its development.

One of the foundation processes that were used in the development of the field was that the right level of surveillance existed and maintained. Acquiring the right surveillance data was considered when designing the wells and facilities. In fact the field is operated in a manner that ensures surveillance data is collected when required, without compromising production or plant integrity. The result of this rigorous surveillance planning and the application of data collected have provided the assurance around delivering the remaining Mahogany reserves.

This paper will discuss the importance of surveillance planning as it relates to maintaining the base production as well as the key issues that should be addressed when forming a surveillance plan. It will also highlight the successes of proper surveillance planning as well as the actions that can be taken to overcome the challenges faced when developing a surveillance plan.

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