It is known in the oil industry that the backspin effect occurring in PCP artificial lift systems causes operational problems related to losses because of deferred oil production, blockage of the down hole pump due to sand production, or the disconnection of the rods. It was proposed to do a study on the use of a technology known as the Anti-Backspin (ABS) Tool with the aim of determining its effectiveness in eliminating the backspin effect.
The work began with the revision and presentation of the ABS Tool technology by describing its components, metallurgy, and the principles of its operation. Later, the information related to the installation campaigns of the tool were presented, which developed the history of its use in Colombia. Once this was done, the information was organized and classified into groups, which then underwent a process of technical validation with the aim of analyzing the information from the chosen wells. Thus, the effectiveness of the tool could be shown in real situations.
Based on the results gathered over a period of 12 months it was seen that the tool, which had been installed in oil wells in different regions of Colombia improved well production times, prevented damage to the underground pumps, as well as preventing the disconnection of the rods. Also, the Anti Backspin Tool helped to eliminate oil losses due to deferred oil production. It was concluded that the use of this tool is beneficial in PCP systems as it improves the reliability of this particular artificial lift system and increases its working life.
This article presents and analyses a technology that helps to resolve a common problem in PCP systems: the backspin effect. In addition, it establishes true criteria that can be used when designing an optimized PCP application. Likewise, it presents useful and referential information for selecting technologies that eliminate or control the backspin effect in PCP systems.