This paper endeavours to demystify, simplify and explain the reality of designing and applying compliant composite pipe repairs by presenting application case histories and field experience. The paper discusses the background in the development and the challenge faced by operators in applying the ISO standard to damaged pipework in the field and reviews the options for the pipeline engineer to overcome these difficulties through additional composite repair technologies.

Composite pipe repair technology has been applied in the offshore oil and gas industry for many decades, the introduction of the ISO TS 24817 standard in 2006 offered pipeline engineers the possibility to prescribe pipe repairs using composite wrap systems compliant to the requirements of the ISO standard. The engineered composite repairs, qualified, designed and installed in accordance with ISO TS 24817, provide both external corrosion protection and structural strength to the pipework/pipeline.

The paper will present the data by; discussing common misconceptions regarding composite pipe repairs and offering solutions to overcome the challenges on-site to meet the requirement for the application of compliant systems. Investigating the range and type of defects that are encountered, both through internal and external corrosive attack and reviewing the possible repair methodologies in cases where, due to the severe metal loss that has occurred and the degradation process, without additional repair techniques a compliant system could not be applied. In addition, commenting on different pipe geometries and configurations and their suitability for composite repairs.

Further comment/discussion on the use of composite wrap systems for structural repairs on equipment other than pressure vessels will also be included.

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