Fracture Modeling is a multi-step process involving several disciplines within reservoir characterization and simulation. This note applies Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) concept in a unique and comprehensive study of fracture modeling in one of the naturally fractured carbonate reservoir in Iran.

A Discrete fracture network is a group of planes representing fractures. Fractures of the same type that are generated at the same time are grouped into a fracture set. Each fracture network containing fractures has at least one fracture set but may have many.

The simplest fracture sets are defined deterministically as a group of previously defined fractures, either as a result of fault plane interpretation extraction from a seismic cube, or as previously defined fractures.

Fractures modeled stochastically can be described statistically either using numerical input or properties in the grid. These properties can vary in 3D and can easily be modeled using seismic attributes from seismic data. Seven seismic attributes are used in this study. The final results of both deterministic and stochastic DFN modeling upscaled to a simple model and used as base grid in dynamic simulation.

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