Steam injection has been identified as the most promising recovery method for the intensely-fractured carbonate Shuaiba/Kharaib/Lekhwair reservoir in Qarn Alam, Oman. The reservoir contains 213 million m3 of heavy viscous (16 °API, 220 cp) crude, however the ultimate recovery efficiency under primary recovery is expected to be only 2 % of stock-tank oil initially in place (STOIIP) because of the strong natural aquifer drive via the fracture system and the oil-wet nature of the rock. An intensive programme of analytical, experimental and reservoir simulation studies has been carried out in order to quantify the potential gains from a thermally-accelerated gas-oil gravity drainage (GOGD) process, and to design and interpret a pilot project in the crest of the reservoir. Steam injection is expected to raise the recovery factor to 20 % or more, but there are large uncertainties associated with the performance of the process. The pilot project will test the application in the field commencing late 1995 and is planned to last for about five years.

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