The "M" field is located offshore East Malaysia, with a major lateral fault separating the field into North and South. The south area main reservoirs are I, K and L with strong water drive and highly unconsolidated formations. These reservoirs contain approximately 200 MMSTB STOIIP with a current recovery factor of 24%. The major challenges in this field are (1) high well deviation, (2) sand production and (3) early water break-through.

In order to dynamically mitigate these challenges, a pilot well with intelligent well technology was considered for one of the new highly deviated infill wells which targeted 3 producing zones. A combination of cased-hole gravel-packing and open- hole stand-alone screens (SAS) was installed at the reservoir sections.

This Intelligent Completion IC system is equipped with innovative multi-drop hydraulic modules. The first IC system, successfully installed 2 years ago in 2 wells of an offset field pilot, has had a significant impact on production to date. These systems used the conventional control line configuration of an N+1 system, where N = the number of zones to be completed. However, the newly installed IC system provides an engineering solution to reduce the required number of control lines from 4 to only 2 to control 3 zones, i.e. an N-1 control line configuration.

This innovative solution was essential to the project to avoid modifications to the wellhead due to the short lead-time before the installation. This solution also reduced the installation time compared to the first edition of the IC system.

This paper highlights the screening process for candidate selection and the successful installation of IC system in multi stack reservoirs with gravel pack assembly and also the lessons learned from the full collaboration between the project team and service provider.

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