Part of the produced water of Boxi oilfields was separated from the produced fluid in the central platform to be treated, reinjected and drained, and the remained fluid was piped to the terminal onshore, then the remained produced water was treated and drained onshore. The amount of produced water drained onshore was getting more and more, and a target to reduce the amount of produced water drained, especially onshore, was set to meet the improvement on the environmental protection policy of the government.
In order to reduce the amount of produced water treated and drained onshore and to reduce piping energy consumption, by means of improving the capacities of the separation, treatment and reinjection offshore, most of the produced water in the main production platform was separated from the produced fluid and treated and reinjected through updating the process system in the crowded platform by means of gas and fluid separation by GLCC etc; and the efficiency of produced water treatment has been improved through updating the process system onshore and in the central platform.
The amount of produced water drained onshore was cut by more than 60%. The target to reduce the amount of produced water drained onshore was reached, and the piping energy consumption has been reduced accordingly.
It is an innovation in Bohai Bay to use GLCC to separate gas and fluid in the process system. The job has given an example of sustainable development for the oilfields in their later stage in Bohai Bay.