This paper shows the results of conceptual and feasibility studies for the design of a Self-Sustained and Complete Productive Utilization of High Viscosity-Extra Heavy Oil Onshore Reservoir in Mexico.
An onshore reservoir in Northern Mexico containing extra heavy oils (6-12 API) with extremely high viscosity (>40,000 cp at 20°C) can be exploited in integral and efficient manner in a energy self-sufficient cycle by means of the proper coupling of several components or modules as: injection of CO2 – readily available in the region – into the artificial lift systems.
At the reservoir level the CO2 injection generates foamy Oil with much lower viscosity and density. On the surface the produced heavy oil can be hydrogenated to produce lighter oil with a better economic value and the residual heavy sub product can be feed to a power plant to generate the energy for the production artificial systems and the pumping or compressing equipment for pressure maintenance of the reservoir. Alternative analysis by in-situ enhancement of the oil - by hydrogenation process in the reservoir – is also included as to cover the economic aspects of this integral and energy self sustained extra heavy oil system
Thermally enhanced artificial systems and pressure maintenance of the reservoir (by fluid injection) achieved through novel and clever thermal design, operation and maintenance of the wells, pipelines and process equipment maintains the viscosity of the oil at acceptable level as to keep an efficient deliverability of the fluid to the surface as a foamy oil because CO2 injection. Hydrogenation of the oil in-situ or on surface facilities produce ultra heavy fraction that is feed to a power plant to produce all the energy required in the cycle to allow for self sustaining the field-production-processes.