During many years the produced gas from Eastern Venezuela reservoirs has been one of the most important energy sources for the Venezuela internal domestic market. To support the new gas business vision, this region has in only three fields (San Joaquin / El Roble / Guario) potential gas reserve in the order of 13 MMMMSCF in 670 reservoirs. Surely, it will provide essential support and play an important role for investment to supply the necessary gas volumes for the market.
This paper, is a case study of the results obtained in the integrated study elaboration which was initiated in the RPN-24 reservoir, Merecure G sand, Roble field. The field is located geologically in the northwestern block of the Anaco thrust. Using available technologies, the revision of the data (seismic, geological and production behavior) detected the existence of a hydraulic unit with both areal and vertical comunication with other three Oligocene reservoirs.
The multidisciplinary integrated study of these mature gascondensate reservoirs revised, the existent structural model of the three cited fields, with good results. These results, through both static and dynamic model integration, identified the coalescence of four reservoirs into an unique hydraulic unit.
This integrated team process increased the GCOES to 232 MMMSCF with an average yield of 46 barrels of liquid per each MMSCF gas. Additionally, it will improve the operational process and the effective control of reservoirs by increasing the recoverable reserves.
The appropiate use of 2D seismic and the use of conventional reservoir analysis methods are always a great tool to work out studies in mature reservoirs through the application of team sinergy.