Hydraulic fracturing operations are known to have a significant impact on the environment due to high energy requirements and greenhouse gas emissions. The oil and gas industry is seeking sustainable alternatives to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to global efforts towards a low-carbon future. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of using a biodiesel blend (B05 and higher) in frac equipment engines along with pump idling reduction intelligent system (PIRIS) to improve sustainability and reduce emissions.

The B05 biodiesel blend is partially produced from renewable resources, such as vegetable oils, animal fats, or waste cooking oil, which reduces the dependence on fossil fuels and promotes the circular economy. We conducted field trial tests using a Caterpillar 3512C engine and other types to measure the fuel consumption, engine performance, and emissions under different operating conditions. The results showed that the B05 biodiesel blend can be a viable alternative to diesel fuel, with similar engine performance and emissions characteristics. Moreover, using biofuels in frac operations has additional benefits, such as reducing the emission of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides. The B05 blend was found to reduce carbon emissions by up to 5%, depending on the operating conditions.

PIRIS automatically stops the frac pump after 10 minutes of idling. When the pump is needed, the remote starter enables rapid restarting from the control van. As the result, PIRIS reduces pump idling by up to 75%, which cuts carbon emissions by approximately 7%. These reductions are significant and can contribute to the industry's efforts to achieve net-zero emissions.

Our study highlights the potential for the oil and gas industry to adopt sustainable practices into frac operations. The use of B05 and reducing idle time with frac pumps can improve sustainability and reduce carbon emissions, leading to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future. Our study provides insight into the applicability of sustainable practices in the oil and gas industry and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change.

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