Pre-Cambrian South Oman tight silicilyte reservoirs are very challenging for the development due to poor permeability less than 0.1 mD and laminated texture. Successful hydraulic fracturing is a key for the long commercial production. One of the main parameter for frac planning and optimization is fracture geometry. The objective of this study was summarizing results comparison from different logging methods and recommended best practices for logging program targeting fracture geometry evaluation.
The novel method in the region for hydraulic fracture height and orientation evaluation is cross-dipole cased hole acoustic logging. The method allows to evaluate fracture geometry based on the acoustic anisotropy changes after frac operations in the near wellbore area. The memory sonic log combined with the Gyro was acquired before and after frac operations in the cased hole. The acoustic data was compared with Spectral Noise log, Chemical and Radioactive tracers, Production Logging and pre-frac model. Extensive logging program allow to complete integrated evaluation, define methods limitations and advantages, summarize best practices and optimum logging program for the future wells.
The challenges in combining memory cross-dipole sonic log and gyro in cased hole were effectively resolved. The acoustic anisotropy analysis successfully confirms stresses and predominant hydraulic fractures orientation. Fracture height was confirmed based on results from different logging methods. Tracers are well known method for the fracture height evaluation after hydraulic frac operations. The Spectral Noise log is perfect tool to evaluate hydraulically active fracture height in the near wellbore area. The combination of cased hole acoustic and noise logging methods is a powerful complex for hydraulic fracture geometry evaluation. The main limitations and challenges for sonic log are cement bond quality and hole conditions after frac operations. Noise log has limited depth of investigation. However, in combination with production and temperature logging provides reliable fit for purpose capabilities.
The abilities of sonic anisotropy analysis for fracture height and hydraulic fracture orientation were confirmed. The optimum logging program for fracture geometry evaluation was defined and recommended for replication in projects were fracture geometry evaluation is required for hydraulic fracturing optimization.