Great diversity and number of data sources represents real challenges to every organization, when trying to combine these sources into one common, optimized and streamlined source supporting specific business needs.

In Statoil our challenge was to manage data from a multitude of production data sources from operated fields on the Norwegian Continental Shelf effectively; retrieving and structuring these data in a format that not only makes sense to the different production/exploration teams and departments, but also for other usage within and outside the organization. A project was initiated to create one common and shared data source, which would provide all users with the same type of data for day-to-day production and exploration activities. The goal of this project is to improve data availability, efficient management of data, security and access to data, present in a streamlined manner to both end users and other clients with similar data needs, thus protecting end users from any underlying IT systems changes in the future.

This was accomplished by harmonizing the hundreds of views from multiple data sources; developed partitioned tables and procedures shared through a common interface.

The result is a solution that provides enhanced security for the various data sources; improved efficiency; a best practice case as it extracts intrinsic value to the organization as a whole and a seamless access to data when required.

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