An Integrated Operations initiative is on going at Santos Basin in order to face the new challenges of Pre-Salt greenfields. This initiative is being conducted at Petrobras through a corporative plan called GIOp (Integrated Operations Management) and, to potentialize lessons learnt, the company is deploying a pilot in Santos (city located at São Paulo State – Brazil).

Petrobras has already tried to apply the smart field concept in previous experiences. The company selected the 20 most interesting processes to be redesigned following the IO concept to run a Pilot in Santos Basin, aiming to test this concept, exercise the collaborative way of working, and acquire experience. This phase used some key available features as tools, temporary collaborative environments and resident professionals. The focus was to obtain early results with a quick wins strategy. Therefore, well and process plant surveillances were implemented for all units of the Santos Basin, followed by a 24/7 Operational Support, which is directly connected to the production units and offshore operations.

This paper describes the implementation and execution of the production surveillance activities in Santos Basin, pointing to practical cases of application, across related processes. Many improvement opportunities have been exercised in several disciplines and production assets, in order to incorporate the lessons learnt to the process mapping and bring valuable information for the following phases of the GIOp implementation in Brazil.

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