This paper explains why collaboration is a cornerstone of so many successful Intelligent Energy (IE) programs, and how organisations can use what has been learnt about collaboration to support their IE activities, whether they have a mature program or are just starting on their journey.

The paper will look at evidence for the importance of collaboration and why it is so frequently seen as a key element of transformational IE programs. The results from 24 IE assessments across different companies and assets point to collaboration as the most commonly-recommended opportunity area for inclusion within IE initiatives. We will review the current state of collaboration to identify value that has been delivered, and common principles and lessons that can be extracted from multiple implementations.

We will then consider future directions for collaboration. A Collaboration Maturity Model and Roadmap will be introduced to explain the current state and potential future developments of collaboration across the industry. Although there has been much success delivered from collaboration to date, we believe that there is significantly more that could be achieved through further technical, visualisation, process and organisational innovation. The model will be used to help illustrate and explain potential future developments, and consider how organisations at all stages of maturity can increase the effectiveness of their collaboration activities.

Collaboration has been one of the key successes of Intelligent Energy; however, as an industry we are still in the early stages on the journey of where collaboration and IE could take us. This paper charts our progress on that journey and sets out how we can use today's knowledge to accelerate and direct further developments to transform our business in the future.

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