The role of managing PSC's (Production Sharing Contractor) performance as the main function of PETRONAS's Petroleum Management Unit (PMU) poses challenges for Production Operations and Surveillance (POS) engineers to efficiently perform technical review and monitor performance of the fields across all Malaysian PSCs.
In order to address these challenges, PMU has embarked on an Integrated Production Surveillance and Reservoir Management project to implement a system that integrate cross-domain data into end users engineering software with a pre-defined surveillance workflow, processes, procedures and techniques. The objectives is to provide POS engineers with the required data and workflow templates at their fingertips to enable them to make quick analysis, hence, accurate decisions.
IPSRM implementation consists of two components. The first component involves the Data Management team to build the Data Hub to consolidate cross-domain data from PSC Operators. The second component consists of setting up the workflow and techniques templates in engineering software with online interface to the Data Hub. A unique hybrid Petroleum Engineering tools that combines parametric, user-driven and data driven analysis capabilities are introduced to allow full surveillance capability.
IPSRM implementation has been in operation and provides an effective way for PMU engineers to perform day-to-day surveillance analysis across Malaysia fields. Some benefits and achievements from IPSRM implementation are as follows:
Reduced analysis cycle time of engineers by eliminating engineers' time in data preparation and processing
PMU engineers are provided with a full spectrum of analysis capabilities to perform study and analysis, covering from user-driven, parametric to data-driven applications
Some studies have successfully identified potential for recovery improvement
Neural Network applications have successfully identified potential for injection/production optimization