BP has achieved considerable success in developing and deploying FIELD OF THE FUTURE technologies into existing, operating assets around the world. BP wants to ensure that new field developments will benefit from the FIELD OF THE FUTURE programme from first oil or gas.

BP has developed a consistent process, which all major projects must follow from discovery through to first oil or gas. This paper will describe the sub-processes and tools that have been developed within this overall framework to ensure FIELD OF THE FUTURE technologies are part of each major project and how the operating philosophy is developed to exploit them.

In the early stages of the project, the value that the FIELD OF THE FUTURE programme can bring must be understood as field development options are created, analysed and ranked. Some technologies may enable innovative solutions particularly where there are complex reservoirs or difficult locations and logistics. The selection of the preferred option must take into account a range of reservoir, commercial and technical considerations, many of which are impacted by FIELD OF THE FUTURE technologies.

As the chosen development option is worked up, the necessary infrastructure must be included in the project scope. Furthermore, as the Operations’ team start to develop operating and maintenance strategies, their processes and organisation must be designed around the FIELD OF THE FUTURE technologies.

Various tools have been developed to assist the project team in identifying value and developing the project scope and these will be described in the paper.

The paper will conclude with case studies showing how these new project processes have been used in major projects.

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