Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) reporting is defined as the recording of all unwanted or unplanned events/occurrences whether or not they resulted in injuries to people, damage to assets, harm to environment or have the potential to do so. In Nigeria, recording and reporting of accidents and ill health at work is a legal requirement under the Mineral Oil Safety Regulations (MOSR) 1997 and internationally, under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013.

In HSE reporting, there are leading (proactive) and lagging (reactive) indicators. "Leading" indicators are preferred because they record performance before the top event and therefore helps create a safer work place, reduce lost time, increase productivity and improve company reputation. Identification of situations/actions that can lead to actual incidents /accidents in the work place and removing them ahead of time is key; It also helps to identify weak links and provide focus areas and efficient channelling of resources and creates learning opportunities in the workplace and proactively prevents actual incidents from occurring.

These leading indicators include Unsafe Acts (UA), Unsafe Conditions (UC) and Near Misses (NM.

This paper will discuss contributions of proactive reporting in relation to good HSE performance and learnings, over a couple of years in Oil & Gas Company. It will also demonstrate how application of LEAN methodology (an efficiency minded and quality-oriented process) helped to overcome the challenges with reporting and hence improved the quantity, quality and learning from past incidents. The outcome of this project, has been critical in creating a culture of pro active safety management and reduction in significant safety incidents

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