One of the greatest challenges for global managers in the 21st century will be how to develop multinational workforces with employees from cultures with different values, business practices, negotiating styles, concepts of time and methods of communication. Good multinational workforces don't just happen, they have to be developed. When teams do not have a system for working out their cultural differences, tensions will escalate in the workplace and members can be expected to be more stressed, less productive and more vulnerable to health and family problems.

In this paper, we are recommending a comprehensive model for building multinational teams. Through this model, team members gain an understanding and respect for each others values, intentions and percep-tions. They create ways of working together which value those differences and incorporate the best of each culture. Cultural conflicts are usually seen as "the problem" and the obstacle to effective teams. This model makes cultural differences the foundation for a solution.

There are 3 phases in this model: 1) Education: Before two or more cultures begin working with each other, they start learning about one another. Expatriates and the local employees have opportunities for cross-cultural information and education prior to the assignment or start up of the operation. 2) Team Building: Teams have a process for resolving cultural issues and conflicts as they arise. In developing an acceptable work plan, they create a "third culture" which is a blend of their cultures. 3) Family Support: There are support systems for expatriate families to help them integrate into the local community. Counselors provide cross-cultural educational groups and mentor the families with skills to successfully adapt to their new environment.

To be successful in the global market, technical expertise is no longer enough. Those companies which are successful in developing trust and strong working relationships with their partners will have the competitive edge. A relatively small investment in education, team building and family support has the potential for a high return on investment.

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