Recently, the E&P Forum issued guidelines for HSE auditing in the geophysical industry. These guidelines place the expectation that geophysical contractors will take the lead in commissioning and conducting audits and subsequent follow-up reports.

The guideline has several purposes:

  • To help reduce the incidence of excessive client auditing, especially of seismic vessels and to create consistency across land and marine geophysical operations.

  • To help ensure compliance with operational policies, procedures and applicable regulations or guidelines on HSE and to analyze the experience and effectiveness of management controls.

  • To provide guidance for the geophysical industry on how to implement audits that are consistent with the E&P Forum's existing Guidelines for the Development and Application of HSE Management Systems

  • To improve acceptability of audits across client and company boundaries.

  • To help verify that the contractor's operating systems optimize the well being of all personnel, clients, contractors, sub-contractors, communities and the environment, and that these systems are aligned across client, contractor and sub-contractor boundaries.

  • To identify areas of potential improvement in the auditee's HSE management system.

  • To assess the ability of the internal management review process to assure the continuing suitability and effectiveness of the auditee's HSE management system.

  • To evaluate the contracting process and system.

The HSE audit guideline is applicable to all geophysical operations worldwide.

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