The international search for oil and gas continues to expand in to locations that are remote from established support bases or in underdeveloped areas. The provision of health care in these locations must be carefully planned and implemented to ensure that an acceptable standard of care is provided to employees, contractors and, if accompanied, families. Planning is required to lower the risk of disease or injury to acceptable levels and to ensure that individuals return home at the end of working in these locations in the same state of health as they arrived. The ability of a company to provide an acceptable standard of medical care, particularly in remote or underdeveloped areas, may impact on the willingness of staff to relocate to areas away from their home base.

This paper outlines the procedures and practices which BHP Petroleum has applied when undertaking medical risk assessments prior to the commencement of exploration or operational activities.

These assessments are used to develop a range of health practices and procedures to deal with identified risks and to reduce the health risks of operating in specific locations.

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