The Maturin East Seismic Program consists of the exploration of the swamp region which lies to the north and southeast of the state of Monagas, with the intention of locating new fields of petroleum and gas which would permit the increase of national reserves of these hydrocarbons.

In the desire to develop the Seismic Program in harmony with the dynamic environmental equilibrium under its influence, the company carried out an Environmental Impact Evaluation through the Office of Environmental Protection of its Department of Integral Protection, based on the visual and digital interpretation of satellite images and field work.

The design and execution of the forementioned evaluation was based on the characteristics of the program and the requirements of the Ministry of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources. The evaluation will establish a basis for the decision-making process involved in the handling of operational and environmental measures to control and minimize the possible environmental impact.

In the first place, the study justifies the need for the development of an evaluation adapted to the Characteristics of the Seismic Program. Secondly the objectives, methodology and characterization of the project and its area of influence are presented. Next the actions of the project and the possible environmental impact generated by them are identified, analyzed and evaluated. Furthermore, operational and environmental recommendations are proposed to prevent and minimize those affects which could limit the development of the project and environmentally affect the area. Finally, and as a result of the environmental impact study, 14 geographic maps are presented of the area, in a scale of 1: 50,000. Each one contains:

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    environmental characteristics of the area.

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    environmental response units (polygons).

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    program activities.

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    environmental and operational restrictions.

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